02 May XVIII National Congress of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
We cordially invite you to attend the XVIII National Congress of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology join with the XI Symposium Mexico-USA and the ASPB Mexican Section Meeting to be held in the Hotel Holiday Inn Mérida, México between 28 (Registration day) to 31 October (Final talk & Closure), 2019.
Following the vision of promoting and strengthen collaboration between Mexican and USA Investigators, hold for 22 years, in this occasion we join for the first time as part of the ASPB regional section.
The conference will include Keynote and Plenary lectures from prestigious academic leaders in the Plant Field that will address the state of the art in selected scientific topics. It is highly gratifying to have the valuable participation of distinguished colleagues from Mexico and USA interested to meet and interact with their peers, particular young investigators and students.
This conference encourages the participation of young scientists, motivated students and postdocs to submit their abstracts to be considered for oral presentations by the scientific committee.
Selected abstracts will be chosen for a prize and distinctions and the “Federico Sanchez” prize that honors our funder member.
Mérida, “The White City” was founded by Francisco de Montejo in 1542 over the ruins of T-hò, an ancient Mayan settlement. During the colonial period, stones taken from the Mayan temples were used to build several churches and convents that can be seen in Mérida today, Merida, located in the Yucatán peninsula, is also close to gorgeous archeological and beautiful natural places.
¡See you in Merida 2019!
Deadlines to Keep in Mind
- August 30: Abstract submission to be considered for talks
- August 30: Early registration ends
- September 30: Last day for Abstract submission to be included in the Conference memories.
- September 30: Last day to ensure a Hotel reservation
The organizing committee
- Patricia León
- Luis Cardenas
- Teresa Hernández Sotomayor
- Alfredo Herrera- Estrella
- Tzvetanka Dimitrova Dinkova
- Joseph Dubrovsky
- Rubén Rellán Álvarez
- Sally Mackenzie

Descarga el poster del evento |
Fellowships for accommodation during the meeting!
- Important dates
- Committee contacts
- Abstract and Poster Submission
- Invited speakers and Academic Program
- Registration fees
- Accommodation & Transport
- Fellowships
Important dates
September 15: Early registration ends
September 15: Abstract submission to considered for oral presentations
September 30: Abstract submission to be included in the conference program
September 30: Last day for secure reservation in the venue hotel
September 30: Last day for online registration.
Committee contacts
Patricia León
Instituto de Biotecnología UNAM
[email protected]
Luis Cárdenas
Instituto de Biotecnología UNAM
[email protected]
Teresa Hernández Sotomayor
Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán
[email protected]
Alfredo Herrera Estrella
[email protected]
Tzvetanka Dimitrova Dinkova
Fac. Química UNAM
[email protected]
Joseph Dubrovsky
Instituto de Biotecnología UNAM
[email protected]
Rubén Rellán Álvarez
North Carolina State University
[email protected]
Sally Mackenzie
Penn State University
[email protected]
Abstract and Poster Submission
Deadline 30 September 2019
We invited you to submit electronic abstracts for oral or poster presentations on one of the main topics of the conference.
To be considered for oral presentation the deadline for abstract submission is September 15, 2019. Authors will be notified of their acceptance. Thereafter, abstracts will be reviewed for poster presentation depending on space availability until September 30th
The contact information included on the abstract form must be that of the presenting author. All correspondence (primarily by e-mail) will be sent to the presenting author.
Conference registration by at least one author is essential.
Guidelines for submission:
Debido a las restricciones asociadas a la pandemia de COVID19, en 2021 las exposiciones en formato de cartel serán sustituidas por videos pregrabados. Los videos serán presentados en el programa en la sesión “Mi tesis en un video” y serán evaluados por un jurado conformado ex profeso. El video ganador recibirá el premio “Dr. Armando Gómez Puyou”.
I. All abstracts must be submitted in English.
II. The submission of abstracts will be made once at least one author has registered. Authors will be notified by e-mail of acceptance.
III. Include the scientific topic your abstract must be included
IV. Mention if the poster should be consider for oral presentation.
V. Abstract may not exceed 2000 characters, including spaces (excluding title, authors and affiliations). Type Arial 12 points, single space.
VI. Abbreviations must be defined in the first use of the word. Standard abbreviations must be used without definition.
VII. No charts or graphics should be included in the abstract
IX. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author.
Submitted abstracts can be re-opened for revision at any time before the deadline.
Abstracts can be submitted in the following subjects:
- Plant stress responses
- Plant response to the environment challenges and climate change
- Secondary metabolism
- Plant-Microbe interaction
- Phenomics
- Development
- Regulation of gene expression
- Signal Transduction
- Genetic improvement technologies
- Natural variation and genome evolution
- Epigenetics
Poster session
- The posters for this congress will be in English.
- Poster dimensions should not exceed 91.5cm (36″ in) width x 122 cm (48″) height. Text and illustrations should be large enough to be read from a distance of two meters (six feet).
- All posters will be assigned a number in agreement with the scientific subject selected.
- You will find the number and presentation day of your poster in the Program in the second week of October.
- Use the board with the same number.
- It is forbidden to take photographs or videos of the posters without authorization of the authors.
- Utilities to display the poster will be provided.
Invited speakers and Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Invited speakers
Academic Program
Registration fees
Fares include: access to all talks, 2 coffee breaks per day and 1 welcome pack.
After September 15
After September 15
After September 15
After September 15
After September 15
These fees may be paid by bank deposit to:
- Bank name: BBVA/Bancomer Oasis Coyoacán CR 0368
- Account number: 0110108286
- Interbank code (CLABE) for other Banks and for international transferences: 012180001101082863
- Name of beneficiary: Sociedad Mexicana de Bioquímica, A.C.
- Address: Km. 23.5 Carr. Fed. México-Cuernavaca. Col. San Andrés Totoltepec, C.P. 14400. Ciudad de México.
Please note, the invoices only will be sent in the same month paid your registration fee.
Remember, to be properly registered it is necessary to fill out the registration form.
- You should attach your abstract and bank deposit form, when you fill the register form. Please indicate which person or institution your invoice should be addressed.
- Further questions? Please send an email to: [email protected]
For acceptance letters, please contact:
Accommodation & Transport

Holiday Inn Mérida
Av. Colon : 498, Entre Paseo Montejo Y Calle 60, Merida, Yucatán, C.P. 97000, México
Hotel & Breakfast Package – Rates
Occupation type
Prices per night / per person
Occupation type
Prices per night / per person
Occupation type
Prices per night / per person
Prices are in Mexican pesos (MNX), per room per night, based on single or double occupancy, with package rate and taxes included (currently 16% VAT and 03% Lodging Tax).
Quadruple rooms will not be accepted.
Maximum two children under 12 years charge-free, sharing the same room with their parents.
Package includes:
·Lodging in single or double room, ·Breakfast buffet, ·Tips and taxes.
Located one block from the beautiful Paseo Montejo Avenue and very close to the historic city center.
Tips for traveling to Merida: The city of Merida is located in the northwest region of the Yucatan Peninsula. It has an international airport (Manuel Crececio Rejón) with daily departures and direct arrivals from Houston, Miami, Mexico City and Cancun.
- Hotel venue of the event Holiday Inn Mérida
- Hotel reservation with the meeting package is only available via Call Center (telephone: +52 01 800 009 9900). It is necessary to mention the Reservation Code to access the Congress package rates (code: GCY)
Do you need to pay in advance?
Request it by mentioning the same reservation code (GCY) to the following contact:
- Mr. Oscar Tzun
- [email protected]
- Tel: +52 (999) 942 8800 Ext. 626
To all Student Participants
Despite the difficult situation we all are facing in science field, the Organizing Committee is making a conscious effort to support the assistance of students and postdocs to the Congress. For this reason we are opening a call for a partial fellowships to be used for accommodation during the meeting.
To apply for the reward the candidates should:
- Register to the meeting
- Submit an abstract for talk/poster
- Submit in a single PDF file, which incorporates a request letter explaining the reasons to apply (maximum 1 page) and recommendation letter from a professor.
This information should be addressed to: Organizing Committee «XVIII National Congress of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology» and sent to [email protected]
Applications will be accepted from August 20, until September 30, 2019.
Further questions?
- Please send an email to: [email protected]
Yucatán meetings
- Facebook: @yucatanmeetingsoficial
- Instagram: @yucatanmeetings
- Twitter: @yucatanmeetings