How do you get stomata to shut up, or at least talk in turn

How do you get stomata to shut up, or at least talk in turn

La Sociedad Mexicana de Bioquímica y la Rama de Transducción de Señales en el marco de los festejos del 65 Aniversario de la SMB invitan a la comunidad científica a la plática magistral

How do you get stomata to shut up, or at least talk in turn

Impartida por el Dr. Mike Blatt de la Universidad de Glasgow, Escocia

He took up the Regius Chair of Botany at Glasgow University in 2001 by Royal Warrant, where he heads the Plant Science Group of nine academic colleagues and some 50 postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers and technicians. He is a fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (USA), the Royal Society of. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the most highly-cited international journal in the field, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY.

Mike Blatt
SMB 65 años